Thank you, Lowell

When we decided to run for City Council, my family and I knew there was a mountain ahead of us, and that we had a long road ahead to get to this day.

What we didn’t know was how many people would come join us for this climb. Those first few conversations with so many of you were so important to me. Your smiles, your enthusiasm, and your belief in me gave me the encouragement I needed to run a multigenerational, multicultural, city-wide campaign that would “Bridge Lowell Forward."

Unfortunately, we did not get the result we worked for. I know that you are disappointed, I am too. We worked so incredibly hard throughout this campaign, and I am so proud to have earned the vote and support of each and every single one of you. Behind only three seats being retained by three strong incumbents, we came in a strong 4th with over 4,100 city-wide votes. This is a remarkable turnout and one that I could never have imagined. Thank you to everyone who didn't just cast a vote for me, but a vote for a more welcoming, prosperous and unified Lowell. With all of you on the bridge, there is no choice but for Lowell to go from good to great.

Congratulations to all the candidates who were on the ballot yesterday. Congratulations to our incoming City Council. We all share passion for this city and I have learned from each of you, and I am better for having walked alongside you on the campaign trail. There were historic wins last night, and this city is better represented today than it has ever been.

Thank you to all of you. Thank you to my wife, my children, my parents, my family, my friends. Thank you to my team! We ran a tremendous campaign for this first-time candidate, in a brand new electoral system, during a global pandemic.

The work continues, my friends! Together we are the bridge Lowell needs, connecting each other from all corners of our incredible city, leading us into our future. Let's work together and make sure our relationships stay strong and that ideas and solutions continue to flow. Let's work with our new City Council to make sure that our voices, our ideas, our interests are heard. And let's work together to support the next generation of leaders interested in lending their talents to Bridge Lowell Forward over the years to come.

Thank you for believing in me.
Thank you for your support.
See you all soon.

- Bobby


Bobby T. Throws a Major League Curveball


October Campaign Update