Get to know Bobby's history of working for Lowell.

Career Week speakers ‘a slam dunk’ at Lowell High School

CTI Celebrates Local Black Leaders of Excellence ~ Bobby Tugbiyele

Letter to the Editor: Don’t lose hope in trying times

As City Council debates budget, proposed property tax increase doesn’t sit well with residents

Lowellians to be honored for community advocacy, promoting change in city

Lowell students tackle big issues at Civics Day

Hidden in Plain Sight: Stories of Black Lowell

Hiring practices, diversity policies highlight City Council meeting
Girls Inc. Welcomes New Executive Director
Lowell City Councilors Approve Funding for Diversity Audit

protect our small businesses
Lowell City Manager asked to meet with health leaders

Racism motions top City Council agenda
Will change come to Lowell High?
Lowell minorities infected with virus at higher rate
City Council seeks Coronavirus data by ethnicity
Residents petition to meet chief candidates
City Manager all ears on police chief search