Bobby for Lowell
A Bridge Forward

Bobby Tugbiyele (2-B-L-AY) believes in a more welcoming, prosperous, and unified Lowell.

To get there, we must form a stronger relationship between the people and their local government, as well as with one another. 

As your Lowell City Councilor, Bobby will continue to put the community first. He will work hard to ensure that the local government is proactive and innovative in solving problems. Bobby will identify opportunities for growth and support policies that are more welcoming and representative of the city’s rich diversity. All of this is not just good for our moral fabric, but also for our economic development.

It is in that spirit that Bobby is building a multicultural and multigenerational campaign that leaves no one behind. He will work tirelessly to be a voice for those who have not felt represented in or connected to the city. This campaign will harness the momentum of past and current initiatives, and will honor the creativity and dedication of those who came before. Bobby is excited about the city’s transition to a neighborhood and at-large “hybrid” system, which offers the opportunity to build stronger ties and collaboration between all of the neighborhoods. 

Bobby has been inspired by so many Lowell citizens who live and breathe community service and activism. Lowell is more than a place to Bobby; it is a community whose greatest strength and opportunity is drawn from the diversity of its people.

Contact Me.

Tugbiyele Committee
P.O Box 7191
Lowell, MA 01852